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Etiquetado: Desastre

Semiotic disaster {and extinction}

This speech was induced by an episode that took place during the first few weeks of classes in a compulsory subject for Social Sciences students at a public university in the south-east of Brazil this year. By understanding it as an episode of what I have come to call the Semiotic Disaster, I will try to suggest that this episode is just a local expression of our ecology, the political result of which is the appearance of a new governing subject, the user, us, whose perceptual-cognitive characteristics are, to say the least, peculiar.

Estética de la catástrofe

Propongo un pequeño ejercicio de conceptuación de una serie de imágenes que realicé con el motivo de la VIII REACT —Reunião da Antropologia da Ciência e Tecnologia—, y a través de las cuales he tratado de trabar experimentalmente un argumento […]